I M A Buff


Top 5 Scientifically Proven Best Ways to Loose Weight Without Putting Much Effort

Top 5 Scientifically Proven Best Ways to Loose Weight Without Putting Much Effort

It is important for everyone to stay fit but some can't and due to that they are overweight, which is why I am going to tell you the Best Top 10 Ways to Loose Weight Without Putting Much Effort scientifically.

I know for sure that you don't have that much of time ahead and your life is full of stress. So, without break too much in perspiration let us look at them.

 Top 5 Methods to Decrease Weight Without Breaking into Sweat

#1) Drinking Water Before Meals:

Drinking water does help in reducing weight and it has been proven scientifically. 

It has been proven that if you drink water like half an hour before your meals then it will enhance your metabolism by 23-30% over a time period of 1 to 1.5 hour  and not to mention it will you eat less calories and at same time loose 44% of weight in middle aged and old aged people.

#2) Eating High Quality Protein Meal:

Eating high Source Protein Meal will help you loose weight or you could try eating a whole Egg if you can. Yep, you heard me right, eggs.

They are high in protein and if you eat them then they will help you take less calories. 

#3) Dare to Drink Black Coffee:

Just try to drink coffee without adding anything to it. So, if you drink without adding sugar or anything else.

Then, it will help in decreasing weight because it boost 3 to 12% of metabolism and burn your 10% to 30% fat. 

 #4) Change Your Cooking Oil to Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil is packed with medium chain triglycerides (which is good fat)  This fat helps enhancing metabolism by 125 Calories per day and reduce your appetite to something like 250-257 calories and  which in turn will help loosing weight.

#5) Use Small Plate for Meals:

Small plates psychologically can make you think that the food on the plate is too much for you and in turn you will only take small servings (It is really weird Psychological Tactic but you know what, all of those fancy and expensive restaurants that you want to go practice this) 

Bonus Tip:  Eating More Veggies and Fruits

Yep, I know that most of meat eaters do not find Veggies or Fruits appealing.  Unfortunately for Non-Veg Lovers, these are packed with good amount of water, essential components that help to reduce, control or decrease weight.

Most importantly, they contain all important nutrients that your body needs and of course, not the least, good deal of fiber in them. Fibers do help controlling weight in long run .

They also take a while to be chewed and provide sense of good filling.  Studies have shown that people who eat veggies and fruits loose weight or have controlled weight 

There are certain supplements like for example L-Carnitine

Mega Bonus Tip:

According to study, intake of green Coffee beans extract can help in prominent weight loss.

Exercise:  This is also good, but you gotta put some effort........


Drinking ample of water, eating ample of veggies and Fruits, using small plates, drinking green tea, chewing slowly, cooking food in coconut oil, eating good amount of protein packed diet or eggs, getting good amount of sleep, eating like whey protein, eating plenty of fiber diet, eating single ingredient food or spicy food, and doing some exercise are in whole the best ways  to make that weight machine hit low numbers rather than high numbers and making yourself earning source for Cardiologist, nutritionist and etc.

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